Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q: What is freestyle and greco?

A: Freestyle and Greco are the predominate styles of wrestling internationally and are practiced in collegiant women's wrestling and amature wrestling at the Olympics and World events.  See USA Wrestling and UWW for rules.

Q: What age should be kids start FS/GR?

A: There are no age or skill requirements for FS/GR. Freestyle and Greco is for everybody.

Q: What do I need to wrestle freestyle and greco?

A: Wrestling shoes, a red singlet, a blue singlet, USA a wrestling card, and club membership

Q: How much is a Mat Monks WC membership?

A: Mat Monks Wrestling Club collects a club fee of $120

Q: What are the benifits of club membership?

A: Membership gets you access to practices for the entire freestyle and greco season and includes a club t-shirt and a blue team singlet

Q: When and where are practices?

A: 14U Practices will be held from 5-6pm in the Atchision High School wrestling room starting on Wednesday, March 15th. High School practices will be held from 6-8pm at the Benedctine College Wrestling room starting on Tuesday, March 14th.  All practices are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from mid march-july.